Primate reviews 'difficult' year

This content was published more than 19 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, reviews the highlights and difficult moments of the year now ending in a webcast that will be posted to the church’s national web site ( on Monday, Dec. 19.

Among the highlights the Anglican Primate notes are last summer’s Sacred Circle gathering of native people during which it was decided to seek the appointment of a national native bishop within a year. Archbishop Hutchison also notes the federal government’s announcement in November of its intention to offer common experience payments to former students of native residential schools.

Among the “difficult” moments, he mentions the decision by the Council of General Synod to send Canadian members to last summer’s meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council in Nottingham Eng., while also instructing them not to participate in the proceedings. He also mentions General Synod’s budgetary problems, which lead to reductions in program and staff lay-offs in 2005.

The webcasts, entitled +Andrew: Conversations with the Primate, are a communications tools Archbishop Hutchison uses to speak to church members in an informal way and to solicit comments and feedback from viewers. They are taped and produced by Anglican Video and financially assisted by the Anglican Foundation.

The webcasts can be accessed from the home page of the General Synod website ( where they can be viewed or downloaded for viewing later or for sharing.

Viewers are invited to respond to Archbishop Hutchison by writing him at

For more information, please contact Vianney (Sam) Carriere, Director of Communications, 416-924-9199, ext 306,

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