Primate's webcast to have new format

This content was published more than 19 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

+Andrew: Conversations with the Primate, the ground-breaking communications initiative through which the Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada speaks directly to the church on the Web, will be relaunched next month with a view to making the communications experience more interactive.

“The webcasts have been very good, but are essentially geared to a passive, television type of audience,” said Lisa Barry, senior producer of Anglican Video. “Our aim with this new package is to present internet users with a multimedia experience that is designed specifically for them and for the internet.”

Until now, the webcasts have featured Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, the Canadian Primate, speaking directly to the church for 10 to 15 minutes in a production that is videotaped and then posted to the web. About 15 of these webcasts have been produced since the initiative was launched more than a year ago.

The new format will combine graphics, audio, video, photography and text in presenting viewers with a series of experiences and snippets that collectively describe aspects of Archbishop Hutchison’s ministry. As with the webcasts, an important part of the production will be feedback from people who view Conversations with the Primate.

“The webcasts have attracted a core group of people, but we feel we can expand this group and use our resources more efficiently by designing an experience specifically for the internet,” said Ms Barry.

The first reformatted package will be available through the Canadian church’s General Synod web site ( in mid-February and will describe a visit by Archbishop Hutchison to the Episcopal Church in Cuba. Accompanying Archbishop Hutchison is Archdeacon Michael Pollesel, the Anglican Church’s new General Secretary and Canon Philip Wadham, the mission coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean.

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For more information, please contact Vianney (Sam) Carriere, Director of Communications, 416-924-9199, ext 306,e-mail or Lisa Barry, Senior Producer, Anglican Video, 416-924-9199, ext. 295, e-mail

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