Sermons, letters, and other communications from the Office of the Primate:

Primate encourages Alleluias and bells to ring out nationwide this Easter Sunday April 9, 2020 - In her message for Holy Week and on behalf of the bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario, Metropolitan and Archbishop of Algoma and Moosonee Anne Germond writes: The Easter God announces to us, even in the wilderness “I have loved you with an everlasting love; and will continue my faithfulness to you.” Therefore, we … Continued
An Easter message from the Primate and ELCIC National Bishop April 6, 2020 - Earlier last month, the Primate and Susan Johnson, National Bishop of our full-communion partner the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, recorded a message looking towards the future as we walk side-by-side toward Easter. Watch on YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo.
COVID-19: Praying for our Indigenous communities March 31, 2020 - Grace and peace to you in Jesus Christ! Everyone is being radically affected by the continuing spread of COVID-19 in our communities. Whether we are in self-isolation, quarantine or working in an essential job for the good of the whole community our lives have been changed in just a few short weeks.
A National Call to Prayer on Lent 5 March 19, 2020 - Archbishop Linda Nicholls invites Anglicans across Canada to join her in a national day of prayer on March 29, 2020.
Primate’s update regarding COVID-19 March 12, 2020 - Archbishop and Primate Linda Nicholls has issued an update regarding COVID-19 and continues to stress the urgent need for everyone to be actively engaged in protecting themselves and those around them.