Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines

The Philippines has, for more than 55 years, been in a state of civil conflict. In 2023, the violently repressive regime of President Marcos Jr. continued its campaign of terror against dissenting civilian citizens through red-tagging, militarization of communities, trumped-up charges, arbitrary detentions, threats and intimidations. These violations, compounded by grave economic conditions, reveal the critical need for just and lasting peace now.

One of the most important features of successful peace negotiations is the role of a strong peace constituency, most especially among Filipinos, but also from the international community. Churches and church leaders are at the core of this international, national and local peace constituency.

Canadian Anglicans are called by Philippines’ church partners to push, on the basis of social and economic justice, for the resolution of the armed conflict.  We are called to advocate to national and international government and UN bodies to ensure that Canadian foreign development and security strategies address the roots of conflict.



Image credit: International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines