A Disciples Prayer Book

Disciple’s Prayer book for the Anglican Council for Indigenous Peoples. Published by the Indigenous Theological Training Institute in Minneapolis, MN.

Florence Li Tim-Oi, Memorial, February 26

Text for memorial of the Rev. Florence Li Tim-Oi, added to February 26 on the Book of Alternative Services calendar (the day of her death) by General Synod 2004. Includes sentence, collect, readings, prayer over the gifts, proper preface of a saint, and prayer after communion.

Liturgical texts in Chinese

Liturgical texts from the Book of Alternative Services, translated by Bishop Patrick Yu for use within the Anglican Church of Canada.

Online lectionary

Daily BAS and BCP Bible readings from the Anglican Church of Canada’s adaptation of the Revised Common Lectionary.

Resources for home prayer

To help keep you connected with prayer, faith and community in times of physical distancing, the General Synod (national office) has compiled a number of resources.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Information on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, including its goals, traditional period of observance and the role of common prayer. Links are provided for WPCU resources from the Canadian Council of Churches.