Reims Statement: Praying with One Voice

Complete text of the Rheims Statement, from a colloquium sponsored by the English Language Liturgical Consultation. Discussed liturgy and ecumenism, common texts, and the Revised Common Lectionary. Lists participants in the colloquium.

Report from the International Anglican Conversations on Human Sexuality

Report from conversation of international Anglican bishops called together in 1999 by the Archbishop of Canterbury to meet over a three-year period. Includes points of agreement, disagreement, reflections upon the fruits of the conversation and the conditions that enabled them, topics for further exploration and recommendations from the meeting.

Resource Guide for Discussions on Human Sexuality

Full text of resource guide for discussions on human sexuality, which includes suggestions for establishing discussion guidelines, a gathered list of resources (including study guides, bibliography, and videos from materials gathered by dioceses, the national church and other churches), and terminology definitions for clarification.


Revive is a discipleship program to help active lay leaders—wardens, property and finance officers, committee chairs, vestry members, church school teachers, youth ministers, pastoral visitors, and liturgical ministers—grow in confidence as spiritual leaders. In just 10 months, this small-group program transforms leaders of practical church ministry into confident spiritual leaders who love God and participate in Christ’s ministry.

Scripture and Homosexuality

Short collation of essays written for Canadian Anglican discussions or recommended by Canadian dioceses representing variety of perspectives on homosexuality, including the role of scripture.

Texts for trial use and feedback

The General Synod of 2010 mandated Faith, Worship, and Ministry to establish a Liturgy Task Force to work on the revision of our contemporary language liturgical texts.

The Iona Report

Report of the Faith, Worship, and Ministry Committee’s Task Force on the Diaconate.

The Lambeth Quadrilateral

Text of the Lambeth Quadrilateral, a statement identified as Resolution 11 from the Lambeth Conference of 1888 that was conceived as a foundation for ecumenical discussion but more recently has been used to outline the basics of Anglican identity.

The Ministry of all the Baptized

Describes the meaning of baptism, quoting passage from Introduction to Baptismal Liturgy in Book of Alternative Services and including liturgical text for baptismal covenant. Discusses baptismal covenant and the catechumenate. Resources are included for baptism, Eucharist and ministry (World Council of Churches document), total or mutual ministry, and other suggested readings.

Voices of our Church

Information and resources relating to discussions of the blessing of same-sex unions, listed in the order in which they were received.